Dec 17, 2019

Deep State Against Bibi Netanyahu – Leftwing Elites Deep-Rooted in the Israeli Institutions are not Satisfied with the Election Results

The term "deep state" denotes institutions and groups of people deeply embedded in the structure of the state and seeking to maintain a certain policy independently of democratic elections. It is a state within a state. This is the way, the American commentator and columnist Michael Savage related to the globalist elite in the United States that opposed Donald Trump. In Trump’s War,  Savage  included among  said  progressive elite a layer of civil servants in  defense and security, social engineers

Jan 25, 2019

India’s Statue of Unity – the Highest Statue in the World History – Shows That Gandhi Is Less Popular in India Than in the World

Gandhi has gained worldwide reputation with his efforts to promote Indian independence from Britain without the use of violence. Thanks to his mother, he was heavily influenced by Jainism, which rejects violence against all creatures and promotes asceticism. Gandhi was famous for his long protest hunger strikes and public appearances only with a piece of cloth around his loins. From  my childhood, I remember a statuette  we had for unclear  reasons at home, a half-naked Gandhi, cross-legged, ten

Sep 27, 2018

Trump Speaks in the U.N. General Assembly – a Human Among Diplomats and Dictators – and Every Normal Human Understands Him

On September 25, 2018, the president of the U.S. spoke to the General Assembly of the U.N. Without pretending modesty, Trump noted the fact that in less than two years, his administration accomplished more than almost any administration in the history of the country. His opponents in the audience, probably European, demonstratively laughed, but Trump dispassionately smiled and noted that he “did not expect that reaction, but that’s okay”, which aroused applause. The fact is that

Jun 4, 2018

Website Pages Titles Included in Google Search Queries – Studying Such Google Searches and Hoping That My Website Will Not Be Unjustifiably De-indexed

Search engines, such as Google, present the search results in a list of internet page addresses arranged according to their relevance. The relevance is calculated according to an algorithm which is usually confidential but depends on known ranking factors. The factors include the character of the domain (whether it is reliable, public, famous, whether its name comprises the search terms = key terms), the character  of the  page  content  (whether it is long, recent, lacking forbidden features, comprising

May 7, 2018

The Enhancement of Greenhouse Warming by Positive Feedback due to the Lower Solubility of CO2 Is Negligible

How much additional CO2 is released from the ocean in a positive feedback, when humans add CO2 to the atmosphere thereby increasing temperature via stronger greenhouse effect and so reducing CO2 solubility in the ocean?

Apr 8, 2018

Climate Change on One Foot – Concise Arguments Against the Hypothesis of Human-Caused Global Warming

The actions against global warming are led by lobby groups organized under the UN and its climate arm – IPCC, being enthusiastically supported by media, entertainers, politicians, and activists involved in social studies. Many scientists and technically educated people understand that the actions are unreasonable and harmful, but they are often caught out by friends who ask: “How come you do not believe that human-caused warming exists? Have all the countries in the world not signed the Paris agreement on the climate change? Is there not a consensus among 97% of scientists about the warming?” We should be ready to respond to our friends.

Oct 10, 2017

North Korea – the Most Inhuman State in History – with the Most Totalitarian Control of the Citizens – 20 Million Slaves

A night satellite photo of Korea shows a sharp border between the light South and the dark North. The North has 30 times lower domestic product per capita than the South, and even the little it has is invested to developing chemical and nuclear weapons. The recent provocations with shooting rockets over Japan would constitute casus belli in less timid times.

Jul 18, 2017

From the End of Vitalism in 1828 to Overtaking Control Over the Evolution and Nearly over Our Fate in 2128

We are witnesses of an exponential increase – explosion – of our knowledge about ourselves, about our origin and about the substance we are made of. No sooner we have completely recognized our structure, than we are starting to change it. There is still a lot to learn about the mechanisms shaping the quality and length of our lives, but we start to edit our DNA and our future as well.  The  dreams of  ancient alchemists about the  transmutation  of  base metals into  noble ones have come true, and now

Jun 28, 2017

The Biggest Patent Litigation in Biotechnology over CRISPR/Cas9 – a Technology for Editing of Our DNA Will Enable Editing of Our Future

CRISPR (Clustered Regularly Interspaced Short Palindromic Repeats) is a region in the genome of most archea and of about a half of all bacteria, playing a role in a cellular defense system against viruses. The region integrates samples of the invading viral DNA, to be later used for the virus recognition and destruction. Adjacent to the CRISPR region, there is CAS region (Crisper Associated System or Crisper ASsociated)  coding  for nucleases  for cleaving the viral DNA. A  nucleoprotein complex  derived

Nov 24, 2016

The Media Against Trump and Against Reality – Coverage of the US 2016 Election Confirmed That Reliance on the Information Provided by the Media Results in a Distorted World Image and Even in Loss of Contact with Reality

The main media in the U.S., but also around the world, acted with vehemence and with strong negative emotions against the Republican president candidate, Donald Trump, as if organized, but surely spontaneously as in other cases, when people react according to their opinions and instincts, without need to coordinate their activity; in case of the predominantly leftist media, the reaction was predictable. Nevertheless, the extremely unrealistic results of the pre-election polls again corroborated that reliance on the information from the media must result in an entirely distorted perception of the world.       

Nov 14, 2015

Drastic Videos of a Dying Culture – Islamists Rape the Europeans in the Streets while Decadent Politicians Welcome the Muslim Migrants – the Europe's Future Can Be Seen Already Today in Paris

When Lenin massacred millions of enemies – non-believers in the new International Socialist order – Western Socialists applauded and called the Socialist Soviet Union A country where the future can be seen already today. The socialist enthusiasts around the world supported the evil Soviet system till its decline and suicide in 1989.

Jun 27, 2015

Enemies of Western Democratic Society Strengthen Their Positions Also in Science-Based Press – Promoters of Global Warming and Drug Legalization Are Winning

The theory of human-caused global warming has acquired enthusiastic supporters among journalists and left-oriented politicians, and has been placed in the pantheon of the politically correct notions beside, among others, the idea of compulsory positive discrimination of problematic ethnic groups and the idea of superiority of Islam over Christianity. The promoters of the theory, although being proven guilty of manipulating the facts, have been successfully trying to delegitimize their opponents. The

Jan 12, 2015

Europe Is Timid and Stupid and It Betrays Charlie - Decline and Fall of European Union

The brave French cartoonists of the satirical weekly Charlie Hebdo have not yielded to Muslim threats, but the French republic has not been able to protect them. The murders have got them even at a hidden and guarded location. The pirates are already on the ship – the robbers are inside the house – and the metastases have afflicted nearly all organs of the body. When Muslims constitute 10% population, there is no place to hide and survive in peace. The Western media and politicians pretend to believe

Oct 14, 2014

When the Media Ignore a Scoop or Suppress Sensational News – Examples

      Strangely, not every sensational news is selected by the media for publishing. One might think of military or other secrets, whose publishing could damage the interests of a Western democratic country and so help to its enemies – no this is not the case; such secrets are enthusiastically searched for and published by typical democratic media. Excessive vulgarity might occur to us as another reason, but quickly we drop the idea as we well know the typical media. So, what should be the reason for

Sep 9, 2014

The Barbarians Decapitate Journalists – When Will Israel Be Punished for That?

      Since middle ages, Jews were punished for Black Death epidemics and other tragedies that befell on Gentiles for any reasons, such as bad weather or wars lost against other Gentiles. The State of Israel inherited that old custom with its Jewish population. Therefore it seems quite natural that Israel should be punished for war defeats suffered by its neighboring countries, still more when the defeats were inflicted by Israel. After each of its defensive wars, Israel paid for its victory by being condemned

Aug 9, 2014

United Nations Finance Killing Children in Gaza

      UNRWA is an agency within the United Nations (UN) supposedly providing humanitarian assistance to Gaza people. Strangely, the agency is entirely under Hamas control; for example, 27 of its 29 representative in the Workers Committee are Hamas members. The UN defend themselves by stating that they do not examine political allegiances of their workers. It has now been revealed that that since Operation Cast Lead in 2009, the UNRWA smuggled to Gaza 890 million dollars in cash, financing

May 31, 2013

Choosing between Bad and Worse

     In politics we sometimes do not choose between good and worse, or between good and bad, but between bad and worse. Citizens frequently go through this situation when they participate in a democratic election and must choose among opportunistic and often criminal politicians which are available. At other occasions, a democratic country must choose between war and peace, the war obviously being the bad option, but peace often being worse. Great Britain chose peace with Hitler in 1938, and the prime

Mar 18, 2013

Invention Versus Discovery and Plato's Space

     In plain language, discovery means a found thing that has existed before, like for example a new kind of bird, and invention means a found – or rather conceived – thing that has not existed before and that has got some practical use, like for example a new kind of engine. An art creation, like “Close Your Eyes” by Beatles or Stonehenge, would fall under a conceived thing which – in the plain language – does   not   have   a   practical   use   but   is   emotionally   relevant. The patent law of many countries

Nov 7, 2012

Facts from the Life of Václav Havel and His Family

      Havel’s parents were always in contact with celebrities. They were married by Prague mayor, advocate Baxa, who had excelled in the 1899 famous process against Jew Hilsner accused of a ritual murder, for whose innocence firmly stood the future first Czechoslovak president Thomas Masaryk. After WWI, Havel’s family acquired, by means of well positioned friends, political opportunism, and sheer corruption, a crucial role in the Czechoslovak film industry and a near monopoly on the distribution of the foreign movies. During WWII, the members of Havel family made friends with highest Nazis in Czechia, including members of the

Oct 9, 2012

Brain-Eating Amoeba was not Resistant to Brainwashing Media

      The mass media in the whole world have dramatically reported that a brain-eating amoeba is responsible for recent killing of at least ten people in the Pakistani city of Karachi. The causative agent, amoeba Naegleria fowleri, is known to grow in warm waters and enter via nose to the brain, where it destroys the tissue and causes death within a week [1].
      Surprisingly, the most serious case occurred in a European country: 16 young people died in Czechoslovakia between 1962

Sep 5, 2012

Supra Rank of the Countries in the Olympic Games

It has been shown that the best way how to rank the Olympic achievements of the countries is to take the average of two ranks: one based on the medal number and the other on the medal number per capita, providing "supra rank". The medal number is well summed by medal points: S1 [= G + S/2 + B/3, where G, S, and B are the number of gold, silver, and bronze medals,

Aug 27, 2012

Olympic Medals - Countries Absolute Rank

Ranking the countries according to the number of gold medals in 2012 London Olympics, or according to the number of all medals, or according to the medal points (gold + 1/2 silver + 1/3 bronze), respectively, provides the following sequences:

Aug 20, 2012

London 2012 Olympics Medals - Countries Ranking

The question is always how to rank the countries according to their achievements in sports. The following table includes 84 countries which gained at least one medal in London 2012 Olympics. The first column shows the number of gold medals (G), the second column shows the number of all medals (M), the third column shows the sum (S) of [gold + silver/2 + bronze/3] medal points, the fourth column shows the country population (P) in millions, and the fifth column shows the medal points per capita

Nov 10, 2011

The Real Number of Deaths after the Chernobyl Catastrophe is More Than 300,000

The catastrophe and the information
      The Chernobyl catastrophe was the gravest industrial accident ever, and it was also the last great crime of the Soviet Communists. The explosion of the nuclear reactor on April 26, 1986 and the following fire made a part of Ukraine and Belarus uninhabitable, while contaminating large areas around the globe. Many people in the Soviet Union died or were wounded due to the disinformation and mismanagement on the side of the authorities; many people were exposed to fatal irradiation incidentally or during the cleaning operations. The Communist authorities, on all levels, denied the accident and left 50,000 inhabitants of Pripyat

Dec 5, 2009

Good or Bad News from Copenhagen?

      It seems to be a broad consensus that the principal danger for our planet today is global warming, and the oncoming UN Climate Change Conference in Copenhagen, hosting officials from 192 countries from December 7-15, 2009, aims to suggest solutions. UN climate chief Yvo de Boer informed that the essentials to be agreed on are the upper limits of emissions of greenhouse gases, both for industrial countries and for developing countries, while deciding how the costs would be shared. EU