Showing posts with label Climate. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Climate. Show all posts

Dec 2, 2021

How Much Carbon Dioxide Does Humankind Breathe out and How is Human Caloric Consumption Translated Into Its Total Power Output in Megawatts? How Does Human Energy Output Compare with the Fossil Power Plants?

Carbon dioxide production by the human body

Globally, electricity generation emits nearly 10 billion tons of carbon dioxide (CO2) per year, of which 60% are produced from fossil fuels, providing 6 billion tons CO2.

The Colossal Circus in Glasgow COP26 – and How Much Carbon is Exhaled by the Humans

The term colossal circus comes to mind for the COP26 conference on climate change in Glasgow. Cataclysmic climate madness is totally global and, unlike warming, threatens the whole of Western civilization.

May 7, 2018

The Enhancement of Greenhouse Warming by Positive Feedback due to the Lower Solubility of CO2 Is Negligible

How much additional CO2 is released from the ocean in a positive feedback, when humans (or any other factor) add CO2 to the atmosphere thereby increasing temperature via stronger greenhouse effect and so reducing CO2 solubility in the ocean?

Apr 8, 2018

Climate Change on One Foot – Concise Arguments Against the Hypothesis of Human-Caused Global Warming

The actions against global warming are led by lobby groups organized under the UN and its climate arm – IPCC, being enthusiastically supported by media, entertainers, politicians, and activists involved in social studies. Many scientists and technically educated people understand that the actions are unreasonable and harmful, but they are often caught out by friends who ask: “How come you do not believe that human-caused warming exists? Have all the countries in the world not signed the Paris agreement on the climate change? Is there not a consensus among 97% of scientists about the warming?” We should be ready to respond to our friends.

Jun 27, 2015

Enemies of Western Democratic Society Strengthen Their Positions Also in Science-Based Press – Promoters of Global Warming and Drug Legalization Are Winning

The theory of human-caused global warming has acquired enthusiastic supporters among journalists and left-oriented politicians, and has been placed in the pantheon of the politically correct notions beside, among others, the idea of compulsory positive discrimination of problematic ethnic groups and the idea of superiority of Islam over Christianity. The promoters of the theory, although being proven guilty of manipulating the facts, have been successfully trying to delegitimize their opponents. The

Dec 5, 2009

Good or Bad News from Copenhagen?

      It seems to be a broad consensus that the principal danger for our planet today is global warming, and the oncoming UN Climate Change Conference in Copenhagen, hosting officials from 192 countries from December 7-15, 2009, aims to suggest solutions. UN climate chief Yvo de Boer informed that the essentials to be agreed on are the upper limits of emissions of greenhouse gases, both for industrial countries and for developing countries, while deciding how the costs would be shared. EU

Sep 22, 2009

After Twenty Years of Global Warming – the End of the Hoax or of Western Freedom?

      Human-caused Global Warming (HGW) has become one of the hot-button issues of the last twenty years. The subject, namely the influence of CO2 concentration in the atmosphere on Earth's surface temperature, is not a trivial one, falling into the domains of mathematics, physics, astronomy, chemistry, geology, and biology. However, the most involved and influential proponents of HGW are journalists, politicians, lawyers, social scientists, and actors. These HGW fighters and true believers,

Jan 27, 2009

Twenty Years of Global Warming – Myths and Facts

      Human-caused Global Warming (GW) has been one of the most common headline-makers during the last twenty years. The updated concept of GW presumes that human industrial activities result in increasing carbon dioxide (CO2) and methane in the atmosphere, where they cause deleterious earth warming by the greenhouse effect, the major contributor being burning the fossil fuels, the minor one being farming. The population of developed countries has been frightened by expected floods, diseases,

Dec 20, 2008

Global Warming Confusion

      No dangerous human-caused warming happens, either locally or globally. The temperatures fluctuate at all locations and at all time scales, similarly as stock market index or any other magnitude dependent on many random parameters. For example, global temperatures fell from the 1940's through the 1970's; in the 17th century the temperatures were higher in Europe than today