A night satellite photo of Korea shows a sharp border
between the light South and the dark North. The North has 30 times lower
domestic product per capita than the South, and even the little it has is
invested to developing chemical and nuclear weapons. The recent provocations
with shooting rockets over Japan would constitute casus belli in less timid
Since its creation in 1945, the North Korean regime has
killed about one million citizens denoted as enemies, the victims of the Korean
war in 1950-1953 notwithstanding. Still more people died in the famine during
the first several years of the rule of Kim Jong-il (let us call him Kim the
Second), who ruled from 1994 to 2011 – the number of victims is estimated at
between one and four millions of about 22 millions of inhabitants. Cynically,
their minister of agriculture was accused of the famine and executed as an
alleged US spy. Even though all the citizens were born in the Communist regime,
hundreds of thousands are being “re-educated” in concentration camps, of which
10,000 annually do not survive the reeducation process, according to International
Coalition to Stop Crimes Against Humanity in North Korea. The present
ruler, Kim Jong-un (Kim the Third), spends most of his time by watching cheap
Western movies and drinking expensive Western alcohols, while occasionally
having fun with a schoolgirl caught for his entertainment. This tradition was
started by his grandfather (Kim the First), who abducted South Korean and
Japanese citizens, mainly actresses and women interpreters; hundreds people
were abducted, and North Korea even acknowledged tens of cases, some of whom
were repatriated. The ruling Kims combine Caligula with Nero and Stalin. The photos show crowds of gaunt
and timid people bowing to their fat leader or to his giant statue of gold. The
photos show skeletons on bikes, streets without cars, or ceremonial opening a
ski-center in a country without skiers – as the leader saw such a center in a
movie. Randomly selected citizens were shot from cannons in a stadium full of
onlookers – to give people a lesson, a Kim’s brother was recently killed by a
nerve gas at Kuala Lumpur’s airport, other relatives were burnt by a flame gun
or torn to pieces by dogs. A 22-year US student, Otto Warmbier, who came to
support the Communist state as a tourist, was imprisoned for theft of a poster
from his hotel and tortured for 17 months; in June 2017 he was returned
unconscious to the States, where he died in two days. One must ask: how did it
come that the world allowed to Kim the Third to acquire the atomic weapons?
The journalists and pundits often opine that North Korea
should not be provoked and even should be given security guarantees, whereas
any boycotts is not recommended as damaging the Korean people. This opinion is
expressed by people irrationally defending anything that smells of socialism,
or people having profit from the business with China, such as businessmen
utilizing cheap work of Chinese women and children; North Korean citizens are
still cheaper, and Communist China exploits them. The leftist experts attack
the supposedly aggressive rhetoric of the US president and praise Chinese
support for stability in the region. The friends of socialism object that the
drastic details leaking out from North Korea are not fully confirmed. However,
the news about all genocides was objected as unconfirmed at the beginning, and
the reality always turned out to be much worse than the rumors. To be sure, the
North invests as much energy to disinformation as to killing, similarly to
their Russian and Chinese teachers. The fact that world media present Trump and
Kim as two equal madmen, equating the U.S. to North Korea in regard to the
responsibility for the crisis, is difficult to absorb even for an expert on
leftist media.
A comparison with Nazi Germany suggests itself. Germany
provoked too, and the appeasers offered to Germany warranties by then too. The
today analysts would have surely considered Churchill's speeches as
unnecessarily aggressive, but they would have supported the attitude of the
then elites which suppressed reports about killing civilians in Germany. Only
after the end of the WWII, the truth emerged about the death of 1/3 of the
world Jewry. Reports about tens millions of death in the Soviet Union were ridiculed
for much longer time, and it took many years when the ghastly facts about the
disappearance of 1/3 of the Soviet population in the years 1917-1953 was
acknowledged, resulting from wars, executions, famines, and diseases. Reports
about wiping out 1/3 of the Cambodian population by their communist elite in
the years 1975-1979 were also accepted only reluctantly by the leftist media,
as well as reports about massacring 1/3 Tutsi in 1994, with UNO forces standing
There are more than 20 million slaves or brainwashed robots
living in North Korea, but many have retained their human nature and hope that
the evil praying on them will cease. Their crazy rulers threaten the neighbor
nations, and endanger the whole world by providing nuclear technology to
extreme regimes. Of course, the kind-hearted socialists would ask: "You would
not risk a war because of those slaves, would you", while actually sympathizing
with the North rulers and their supposed military power. Indeed, between 5 and
30% people are connected with their army, but the North is impoverished, its
leadership is totally detached from reality, the population is weakened by malnutrition
and terror, and their deterrent forces are created rather by TV and Photoshop.
In case of conflict, North Korea without Chinese assistance would collapse
quicker than during the defeat in September and October 1950. The lovers of
socialism have explained the Korean war as a liberation war against American
imperialism, or at best as a result of the Cold War; the Stalin's and Mao
Tse-tung's aggression has been interpreted as a selfless help of the Chinese
volunteers and the millions of dead as a victim of the U.S. expansionism. The
truth is that only the communist expansion and terror are to blame for the death
and destruction in Korea, Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia, and China, as well as in Cuba,
Nicaragua, Mozambique, Angola, Afghanistan, Spain, Poland, Czechoslovakia,
Hungary, Bulgaria, Romania, and of course in the states of the former Soviet
Union and Yugoslavia. The Western countries might exert an economic and
political pressure on China to abandon North Korea and let it unify with the
South; however, such pressure cannot be expected from the former Marxists, now
leading Europe, such as German chancellor Merkel or NATO secretary Stoltenberg.
The U.S. will unfortunately remain alone again, against socialists in China, in
Russia, and in Europe. Nobody applauded when president Trump said in his UN
speech on September 19 that North Korea will have to be totally destroyed if the West will be forced to defend itself.
How was it possible that the world allowed Caligula to arm
with nuclear weapons? Where did the world make a mistake? It started by
allowing China to become the second strongest economy without giving up its
communist ideology. China could enjoy the advantages of both systems: it exercised
economic freedom and simultaneously it murdered its political opposition at
home. The West has transferred much of its production to China, replaced its
high-quality products with cheaper ones, and taught China its technologies,
while ignoring the existence of millions of slaves producing their products.
Leftist elites were happy because the alliance with communist China legitimized
their sleazy world view. People were buying cheap toys and overlooked that they
were somewhat poisonous. The environment and climate change have become new
religion in the West, but Chinese cities are sunk in smog. Everything can be
imported from China, including a new skin for severely burned – freshly skinned
off live prisoners. It is obvious that squalid North Korea could not develop
and finance hundreds complex engineering projects needed for making atomic bomb
and ballistic missiles alone. Russia, Pakistan and Iran have been providing
important assistance and cooperation, but the main and long-term responsibility
falls onto China, which since 1950 nurtures North Korea like their evil dwarf.
The evil dwarf gets sometimes money even from the U.S., as it happened in 1994,
when president Clinton gave Kim five billion dollars for a promise to stop the
nuclear efforts.
Nobody wished to start a war against Hitler for an unknown
and distant Czechoslovakia in 1938, nor for some endangered Jews; instead a
capitulation Munich agreement was signed by the West – but the war came anyway.
Nobody wished to start a war for some Koreans or Vietnamese, but in the end the
U.S. sacrificed 100,000 soldiers anyway, when helping South Asia against
communist evil in two wars. And now, of course nobody is eager to risk a
conflict just because of some enslaved North Koreans or endangered Japanese or
South Koreans. In the meantime, the nuclear technology has leaked via Korea to
Sunni Moslems in Pakistan and to Shia Moslems in Iran. Nobody wished to start a
war against Iran, and president Obama signed a capitulation deal with them. We
never wish to start even a small war, but we cannot avoid a big war imposed on
us by the other side. At least, let us not allow those useful idiots (as Lenin
called his naïve supporters in the West) to impose on us their lies. Let us not
forget that again it is socialists who keep 20 million North Koreans behind
barbed wire and endanger the whole world, as it was socialists who were keeping
the Eastern Europeans behind the barbed wire in the era of Nazis and in the era
of Communists. The Western medial and political elites sympathize with
socialism and wish to make a deal with the Eastern Caligula, while blaming the
Western U.S. president. On the other hand, it is only the same U.S. of America,
which chiefly contributed by their resolve and sacrifice to the fall of Nazism
and Communism, that can save the world from African anarchy and Asian totality.
The media narrate that not everything is black and white and
also that, in this post-rational era, the people are not divided to left and
right any more. However, the bright line between good and evil still exists – South
is light and North is dark. Kim Jong-un is an embodiment of totality and a hero
of the Left; in this conflict, the decent people should support the country of
president Trump, as they should have supported the country of president Roosevelt
and president Reagan.
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