Showing posts with label Politics. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Politics. Show all posts

Aug 9, 2023

Communist China Endangers the Sovereignty and Security of the State of Israel

The last hundred years have been the most brutal in human history, and Communist China has contributed to this significantly. In the infamous campaigns of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP), such as the "Great Leap Forward" or the "Cultural Revolution", approximately 100 million people perished. Starvation, rape, torture, and amputation were the means of the CCP's re-education programs.

Dec 16, 2022

World Cup in a Graveyard – Qatar Has Killed 6,500 Construction Workers When Preparing the Soccer Championship and Now It Manipulates the Western Media

Unsurprisingly, the totalitarian Arab kingdom does not suffer from any excessive red tape regarding work safety, and foreign workers have died in droves when building stadiums and infrastructure not only from accidents, but also from overworking at temperatures of up to 120°F. Qatar has 300,000 citizens and about ten foreign workers for everyone, the workers without any rights are mostly from Far East.

Sep 5, 2022

Nothing of the old glory has remained in Egypt – contemporary Egypt claims the monuments of the previous culture, but it only destroys them

To this day, the Egyptian pyramids are among the most striking and admired structures created by humans. Ancient Egypt had an immense influence on the development of European science and culture. The ancient Greeks, including for example Pythagoras, drew on Egyptian knowledge. The hieroglyphs are still visible in our script: for example, an Egyptian sign that looked like  water ripples, meaning either  "water" or the  letter "n", passed  through the  Proto-Sinai  and  Greek scripts into both

Feb 16, 2022

The Structure of SARS-CoV-2 is the Smoking Gun for its Lab Origin – All That is Known About the COVID-19 Origin with All Relevant References

History of the Coronaviruses and the Wuhan Institute of Virology

Coronaviruses (CoVs) have been broadly studied in China since 2003, and numerous new strains have been reported. Wuhan coronavirus scientist Dr. Shi Zheng-Li (called “Bat Woman“ by media) co-authored many of the publications (10). Shi, employed in Wuhan Institute of Virology (WIV), also worked on enhancing the ability of bat viruses to attack humans, supposedly to “examine the emergence  potential of  circulating  bat CoVs”, which  means their ability to “jump over  to  humans”.  Inter species

Dec 2, 2021

The Colossal Circus in Glasgow COP26 – and How Much Carbon is Exhaled by the Humans

The term colossal circus comes to mind for the COP26 conference on climate change in Glasgow. Cataclysmic climate madness is totally global and, unlike warming, threatens the whole of Western civilization.

Oct 7, 2021

Is There Any Chinese Offence the West Will not Put up with?

In December 2018, US authorities asked Canada to detain Meng Wanzhou, CFO of China's Huawei; in the United States, she has been accused of misleading the courts, fraud, and violations of U.S. sanctions laws against Iran. The subsequent imprisonment of two Canadian citizens in China, Michael Spavor and Michael Kovrig, and their charges of espionage were widely seen as  Chinese revenge on  Canada. After nearly three years, Meng was  released from house arrest on September 24

Aug 21, 2021

The White Man's Burden in Kabul

Again we can see the familiar images: a sudden departure of the last Americans and panicked attempts of their helpers to flee. In Vietnam it was a conflict with communism, in Afghanistan it is a conflict with Islam. The failure in Vietnam was mainly due to the left, which sided with the enemies of the West, and the failure in Afghanistan has mainly been due to weak support from the Afghans. The main burden in the fight  against the mortal  enemies of the democratic West has always been borne by the United

Feb 17, 2021

Our Chinese Syndrome and Our Chinese Future – It Is Better Not to Be Born or Reincarnated into the World Led by the Communist China

There is hardly another example in history of so rapid rise of power as China has shown in the last thirty years; its share of world gross product has increased fifteenfold and is now 19%, putting China second only to the United States. China has gained control of raw materials in many Third World countries. Even in the Asian part of Russia, Chinese entrepreneurs have a free hand in the use of raw materials,  and the  Chinese will one day easily become  the majority there. But even in the United States,

Aug 5, 2020

China Is Our Carthage – China's Influence Will Have to Be Weakened in Order for the West to Survive as a Democratic and Humane Culture

Let's recall China's modern history. Starting from the end, we can see that China has become the world's second richest country in the 21st century (2000-2020), thanks to the hybrid blend of communist terror with ruthlessness of early capitalism, resulting in ecologically devastating its own territories and reducing the quality of consumer goods around the world. During the preceding twenty-years   (1980-2000),   a   gleam   of   hope  for  democratic   development   appeared,   but  it   was   stamped   out   after

Jul 30, 2020

A Half-Year Summary of COVID-19 Pandemic – Spread, Course, Comparing Countries, Handling in the World, SARS-Cov-2 Virus and Its Origin, Consequences, and the Way Out

Spreading of the epidemic over the globe – at one look
The WHO started to report about the coronavirus on 21 January 2020, when 309 cases were allegedly diagnosed in China, including 6 deaths; no cases in other countries were reported by then. The numbers of diagnosed cases in 15 selected countries over the first half of the year 2020 are presented in Table 1, which further includes the numbers of new daily cases, the sum of deaths  and  new  daily  deaths  (extracted   from   the  WHO  web  here), as well as  the  number  of  tests  (extracted from the

Jun 30, 2020

Checkmating Black Is Prohibited – Google's Censorship of Chess Commentaries Suggests That Western Democracy Is Close to Checkmate

Croatian chess player Antonio Radić publishes his comments on chess games on a Youtube chess channel under the pseudonym "agadmator"; his podcasts are highly popular. For example, his "The Greatest Queen Sacrifice in History" has over 4.5 million visits, and all of his videos together have already received 275 million visits (here).

May 1, 2020

The Torment of Open Chernobyl Wounds – Hundreds of Thousands Died but Thousands Continued to Writhe in Pain

At the end of April, millions of former Soviet citizens commemorate the explosion of the Chernobyl nuclear reactor on April 26, 1986. The families of 6,000 Tajiks who were suddenly removed from Tajikistan in the spring of 1989 serve as an example; the young men were taken to "help build houses in Russia" and they reappeared only in the autumn of that year – changed beyond recognition  (here). The  Soviets  took  the  young  Tajiks  completely  unexpectedly  and  under false pretenses; the men found

Apr 21, 2020

State of the Corona World – Rating of the Countries According to Managing the Coronavirus Epidemics

The numbers of diseased and deceased with corona to a certain date can be found in the WHO website, and the numbers of performed tests in the WORLDOMETER site. In the following table, I have extracted the data for April 14 and adjusted them to reflect the population size for the majority of East Asian, West European, and North American countries. The table comprises the numbers of reported positive cases, death, and performed tests, as well as these values recalculated per 10 million people, which is an approximate population of Sweden, Portugal, Czechia, Hungary, Greece, Austria, Israel, Switzerland, and Hong Kong.

Jan 29, 2020

Democratic candidates of 2016 and 2020 have been involved in criminal activities, but instead of investigating Clintons and Bidens, Republican candidate Trump has been defamed in both cases

In 2009, FBI found that Moscow’s officials in contact with U.S. uranium-involved companies were violating the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act, as being involved in money laundering, extortion and bribery. The officials helped Russian president Vladimir Putin, allegedly world’s richest man, in his nuclear ambitions inside the U.S. However, the Department of Justice did not bring charges,  and  let the  Obama  administration  make  critical  decisions in the uranium business,  which benefited Putin’s  Russia

Jan 25, 2020

Almost Sincere Regret After 75 Years – Representatives of 44 States in Jerusalem Remembered the Liberation of Auschwitz – Both What Was Said and What Was Not Were Important

At the occasion of the 75th anniversary of the liberation of Auschwitz, the fifth Holocaust Forum was held in Jerusalem on January 23, attended by representatives of 44 states, including 6 kings and princes, 26 presidents and 4 prime ministers. During the forum, the tragic fate of the Holocaust victims mingled with the political issues of today, although some of them appeared only in hints and some remained concealed.

Dec 17, 2019

Deep State Against Bibi Netanyahu – Leftwing Elites Deep-Rooted in the Israeli Institutions are not Satisfied with the Election Results

The term "deep state" denotes institutions and groups of people deeply embedded in the structure of the state and seeking to maintain a certain policy independently of democratic elections. It is a state within a state. This is the way, the American commentator and columnist Michael Savage related to the globalist elite in the United States that opposed Donald Trump. In Trump’s War,  Savage  included among  said  progressive elite a layer of civil servants in  defense and security, social engineers

Jan 25, 2019

India’s Statue of Unity – the Highest Statue in the World History – Shows That Gandhi Is Less Popular in India Than in the World

Gandhi has gained worldwide reputation with his efforts to promote Indian independence from Britain without the use of violence. Thanks to his mother, he was heavily influenced by Jainism, which rejects violence against all creatures and promotes asceticism. Gandhi was famous for his long protest hunger strikes and public appearances only with a piece of cloth around his loins. From  my childhood, I remember a statuette  we had for unclear  reasons at home, a half-naked Gandhi, cross-legged, ten

Sep 27, 2018

Trump Speaks in the U.N. General Assembly – a Human Among Diplomats and Dictators – and Every Normal Human Understands Him

On September 25, 2018, the president of the U.S. spoke to the General Assembly of the U.N. Without pretending modesty, Trump noted the fact that in less than two years, his administration accomplished more than almost any administration in the history of the country. His opponents in the audience, probably European, demonstratively laughed, but Trump dispassionately smiled and noted that he “did not expect that reaction, but that’s okay”, which aroused applause. The fact is that

Oct 10, 2017

North Korea – the Most Inhuman State in History – with the Most Totalitarian Control of the Citizens – 20 Million Slaves

A night satellite photo of Korea shows a sharp border between the light South and the dark North. The North has 30 times lower domestic product per capita than the South, and even the little it has is invested to developing chemical and nuclear weapons. The recent provocations with shooting rockets over Japan would constitute casus belli in less timid times.

Nov 24, 2016

The Media Against Trump and Against Reality – Coverage of the US 2016 Election Confirmed That Reliance on the Information Provided by the Media Results in a Distorted World Image and Even in Loss of Contact with Reality

The main media in the U.S., but also around the world, acted with vehemence and with strong negative emotions against the Republican president candidate, Donald Trump, as if organized, but surely spontaneously as in other cases, when people react according to their opinions and instincts, without need to coordinate their activity; in case of the predominantly leftist media, the reaction was predictable. Nevertheless, the extremely unrealistic results of the pre-election polls again corroborated that reliance on the information from the media must result in an entirely distorted perception of the world.